Friday, April 18, 2014

Review -- Download My Love by Eva Lefoy

Author: Eva Lefoy
Availability: EBook
Formats: application/pdf
Genre: Erotica
Tags: - Short Book / Novella, Erotic Romance, Futuristic, Science Fiction
Publisher: Decadent Publishing Company, LLC
Rating: 5 stars

About the book:
Security Core agent Everett is assigned a special case—protect the daughter of Simon Gold, the father of modern mechanoid life. To ensure her survival, Everett’s given a special EMO upgrade, and can experience love for the first time. He’s soon head over heels and the super-charged sexual attraction threatens to fry his circuits while he fights to stay one step ahead of the bad guys.
Samantha Gold detests her father’s work. She’s an off-the-grid back-to-lander who wants to keep life simple with her cows and her crops. When her father dies and inadvertently transfers a secret code to a hidden receptor in her brain, it’s only android Agent Everett who can protect her. Can she ever forgive her father for creating Everett—a man so perfect for her that he even loves her cows?

To be completely honest I wasn't sure what to expect with this story. I've read this author's work before and enjoyed it but while I adore watching Star Trek TNG and science fiction is not something I gravitate towards in my taste for romantic stories but I think I might have to rethink that choice as the last few I've read have been quite enjoyable. This is a very quick, very adventuresome read and left me with a big smile on my face. It was surprisingly emotional and at points made me teary and had me chuckling out loud. Everett is an outstanding hero, he is perfect for Sam and a treat to read about. Sam is a strong independent woman, a trait I always admire and I loved watching her dealing with so many radical changes to her beliefs. If you are looking for a quick, steamy yet sweet light futuristic read this is a definite must-read.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for loving Everett and Sam and her cows!