Friday, January 4, 2019

FAF - FIona Aina Murphy

I’m so excited to bring back my Favourite Author Friday feature. I love reading and I love discovering new authors and what better way for me to introduce my favourites to you!

Today I’ve got a little Q and A with a new to me author who has quickly become a favourite. Be sure to check back to see my review of one of her books coming soon. 

Now help me welcome the wonderful, Fiona Aina Murphy.

Are you usually late, early or right on time?
A few minutes early. I loathe being late. 

What is your favourite part of the human face? Why?
Eyes they communicate more than words.

What song gets the most play on your IPod right now?
Right now, Don't Blame Me by Taylor Swift

What was the last thing you ate?
Breakfast for lunch. I'm a slut for bacon and waffles. 

Have you ever been pulled over by a cop?
Yep, I like to drive fast. 

What was the last picture you took with your phone?
Of my dog Jake because he's looking so handsome as he just came back from the groomer.

Have you ever danced in the rain?
Danced, nope but I do like walking in the rain. 

What was the last lie you told?
It doesn't bother me. 

What is your perfect pizza?
Yaghi's  cheese pizza slice.  It's a place opened by a former New Yorker and it's the perfect blend of crispy on the outside soft on the inside, cheesy and saucy. 

What cheers you up?
Music is my quick go to. I love all kinds of music from Rap, to Rock, to Pop, and especially classical. I like being able to have an easy quick way to pull me out of a bad mood

What is your favourite book?
I don't have kids but I think that's like asking which is your favorite kid. I can't do just one. Lightning by Dean Koontz because of the message. 
The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly because of it's beauty 
Married to a Mistress by Lynne Graham I love how hot it is and how the tension is turned up and up and then it delivers. 

What is the longest you have gone without sleep?
Two days.

What is your favourite midnight snack?
Scrambled eggs and toast

What was your favourite toy as a child?
A stuffed dog named Ruffles who was a shar pei I had until I was eleven 

Do you scream on roller coasters?
What psychopath doesn't? I don't like roller coasters. 

Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
No one, I don't have many friends and I don't share my problems with others. Hmm...this might explain my depression.  

Who is the last person you argued with?
My dad, we argue a lot. No one can make me as crazy as he does so quickly. But we don't like argue with malice or anything . 

What TV show do you secretly enjoy?
Ghost Adventures. 

Do you prefer flowers or chocolates for Valentine’s Day and why?
Chocolate, because hello, chocolate.

What is your favourite flower and why?
Peonies, I love all the pretty layers of the flower and how good they smell. 

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