Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Word Count Wednesday - January 9

Word Count Wednesdays is where I plan to keep everyone apprised of my progress and while I quite honestly felt like hiding today and pretending I’d forgotten the day I decided I’m going to share anyways and be proud of what I did accomplish..
I spent some serious thought on setting up my goals, goals I wanted to be challenging but also achievable and that’s what I believe I did. However January has not been gentle on me thus far. There was a death in the family that truly came out of nowhere and I injured my wrist back in April and instead of getting better it has made typing more than a chore. So much so that I didn’t even realize how much I’d slowed down.
So today I finally decided I had to do something to achieve my word count goals and I’ve decided to use my voice to type.
I feel awkward doing this and I know I’m going to take a while to get used to it. But I’m hoping that by this time next week I will be able to share that I’ve made my writing goals for all 7 days. This week I was only 2 for 7 and for me that is not acceptable.

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